Tuesday, January 23, 2018

blogg assignment jan 23

For me a good poem has good visuals, meaningful content, and dynamic language.
 To me I think poetry is something that you should be visualizing while you read. Visualizing helps the story come to life. A poem should be able to give a good clear description of the events taking place. Personally, I am a visual learner so being able to picture everything make it seem more real and it’s easier to believe.
Content has to be meaningful. If there is no meaning behind your words they are pointless. Good content does not necessarily have to be about something positive. Good content to me, just means a strong emotion or very memorable event that is worth writing a poem about.
One of the components that make poetry an art is the use of words. The words you use and the way you use them, set the tone for the entire poem. If you simply pick any words the emotion or message you want to convey may not come across clearly, or as strongly as desired. By carefully selecting words you can set the tone and make the words come to life in an artistic way.
The hardest part of writing a symbolist poem was coming up with a subject to write the poem about. It was difficult to find an object to fit my word “solitude”. The symbolist poem made me think in a very abstract way.

I think for someone who has very little knowledge of poetry I did a decent job. I think had I found a more accurate subject for my poem it could have been a better poem.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Jan 18 Blog

I believe meaning in poetry is everything. Without the meaning of the poem there is no real content to think about. If you don’t have any meaning behind your words they are just pretty words being read. I think poetry is used to convey emotions, thoughts, and maybe information. In visual arts, I don’t think meaning is always necessary.  Meaning would defiantly help make the art work more thought provoking, but sometimes visual art can just be something nice to look at. I believe there is a varying degree of meaning in art work and poetry. Somethings can be as simple as a simple emotion or point in time being expressed. Some art can be tricky to understand. I think you have a lot to take into consideration when really trying to understand art. You may need to know the time frame, the person’s background and their frame of mind. I think all art work should at least try to be understood



So far, So remote, So powerful
Worlds away but you rule like a Queen
 Alone on your throne

Unfrequented places your subjects will never go
A face you hid and will never show
Moving the tides with your blow

You shine from above when all is dark

Alone. Almighty. Afar